Mar 2025
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Athens 17°C

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> earth

Acropolis plunged into darkness for a good cause: Lights turned off for Earth Hour – See photos

The Municipality of Athens joined the initiative, switching off lights at City Hall in Kotzia Square, the Liosion and Patision street municipal buildings, Technopolis, the Kypseli Municipal Market, Maria Callas Museum, and the Athens Solidarity Center

Science: Earth’s oldest meteorite impact crater found

Evidence of a major meteorite impact 3.5 billion years ago found

NASA has minimised the chances of the “catastrophic” asteroid hitting Earth in 2032

The asteroid now has a 99.72% chance of passing within range of our planet

Samples from asteroid Bennu contain elements crucial for life, according to studies

Findings were published in the journals "Nature Astronomy" and "Nature"

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