Feb 2025
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> Fredi Beleris

> Fredi Beleris

Fiasco with Fredi Beleris: He proposed Fidias as vice president of a Committee – ND distanced itself

The MEP of New Democracy said it was a personal choice - "I supported him because of his Greek origin" he said - For the same position, Musk had intervened asking Fidias to be elected

The amendments by Beleris on demographic issues were approved by the Committee on Regional Development.

The amendments were incorporated into the opinion of the European Parliament's Committee on Regional Development regarding the European Social Fund

Beleris to protothema.gr: Rama targeted me when he realized that he would lose the elections in Himara (video)

Rama is the worst Prime Minister in Albania's history, says Beleris - In 2023 first group of asylum seekers in EU countries will be Albanian citizens, he notes

Beleris for European Ombudsman: “I saw no sensitivity in my own adventure”

The new Ombudsman must not discount issues of democracy, the rule of law and human rights, even when they concern states on the path to accession, he said

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