Feb 2025
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> ideology

> ideology

Trump completely demolishes the American state and rebuilds it as he has envisioned it

The speed with which he is promoting his decrees and policies is unprecedented - "Knife" in the funding of schools and universities with curricula that "divide the nation" - Privileges for children of military families

Amendment to the Constitution proposed by the Slovak government: Rights of same-sex couples to adoption restricted, gender change becomes more difficult

"We have two sexes, male and female" determined by birth, says government proposal

Trump pardons 23 people persecuted for anti-abortion protests

The decision was announced on the eve of a planned anti-abortion rally in Washington, D.C., dubbed the "March for Life"

Trump bans LGBTQ+ and Black Lives Matter flags from US government buildings

"Henceforth, only the US flag may be flown or displayed on government premises," Trump's new policy document states

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