Mar 2025
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> thessaloniki

> thessaloniki

Lithochoro: The Health Centre was evacuated due to a toxic liquid leak

The leak occurred in a transformer located in the basement of the Health Center building, where the radiology department operates

Thessaloniki: Police officer arrested for drug trafficking – Cocaine found in the vehicle he was driving

A total of 164 grams of cocaine were found in a vehicle in which the officer was a passenger

Tahiaos: Thessaloniki Metro is one of the safest in the world

The Thessaloniki Metro shares the same features as the Copenhagen Metro, emphasized the Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Transport

Thessaloniki: Google launches cybersecurity seminars at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

"Being able to pretend to be someone else has become too easy," says Aristotle University of Thessaloniki professor - A major cyberattack occurs every 39 seconds on cloud, online marketplaces and home appliance networks

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