Mar 2025
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Athens 11°C



The death (or murder?) of Ioannis Metaxas

Why did Churchill want to overthrow Metaxas? - The dinner with the English & the onset of the illness - Details from the days he remained bedridden - The mysterious Ioannis Diakos - The Austrian doctor who never came to Greece & the autopsy on the body

Collaborators: Who got rich during the Occupation by collaborating with the Nazis (Part 2)

Illegal logging: A lucrative business - The supplier of the Occupiers with…18 properties - Industrialists in the service of the Nazis - Black market & investments in real estate - Collaborators & justice & a case of vigilante justice in Crete

Quislings: Who profited during the occupation by collaborating with the invaders? (Part 1)

Read in Part A: How was economic collaboration with the occupiers defined? – Civil engineers, contractors, merchants, industrialists, and artisans as collaborators of the Occupation authorities – The black marketeers – The investments of "blood money" in real estate

“Place of martyrdom” in Kastania, Samos, after 81 years

The small village was officially recognized by the state for the massacre of 44 inhabitants by the Italian conquerors on August 30, 1943

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