The issue of alliances divides SYRIZA

There is strong disagreement regarding a possible alliance with Independent (former PASOK) MPs and DIMAR MPs

The prospect of cooperation with MPs that were elected with PASOK and decided afterwards to stand as independent, as they disagreed with the party’s policies and also with Democratic Left MPs has caused conflict in the meetings of the Coalition of the Radical Left (SYRIZA) central committee, on Saturday and Sunday.

Alexis Tsipras wants a clear mandate from his party to form an alliance with independent MPs and groups who oppose austerity, in order to prevent the election of the President of the Hellenic Republic and topple the government.

In order to do that, SYRIZA leader must “make overtures” to former PASOK MPs and also to MPs from Democratic Left (DIMAR). It should be noted that DIMAR and SYRIZA were originally part of a larger center-left party, Synaspismos.

However, not all sides are persuaded.

From the so-called Left platform led by SYRIZA MP Panayotis Lafazanis, Alekos Kalivis expressed reservations about the prospect of cooperation with other leftist forces and independents, saying that SYRIZA shouldn’t form alliances for the sake of preventing presidential majority that it wouldn’t form under different circumastances.

In the vote that will take place this afternoon the Left platform will insist on the amendment which opposes cooperation with MPs from PASOK and DIMAR, the so-called center-left.