The Mass of a Suppermassive Black Hole

That’s… a lot of mass

The center of our galaxy is inhabited by something truly “monstrous”. It is also believed that said galactic beasts sit in the midst of most galaxies out there. Black holes.


They are the most massive objects in the universe. They are the swansong of massive dying stars. Collapsing under their own gravitational force, scooping up matter closer and closer together until it forms a super dense, tiny ball of matter. Scientists were now tasked with figuring out how enormous one of them is. The Supermassive Black Hole (SMBH) in the center of the galaxy named NGC 1097’s results were published in The Astrophysical Journal and were measured to be…


140 million times the mass of our sun. And remember, this is not even the biggest black hole out there already identified.



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