Tsipras at Brussels: Discussions on the President of European Commission

He will meet the other candidates, too.

Alexis Tsipras, the leader of main opposition party in Greece, SYRIZA, will be at Brussels today in order to discuss the election of the new President of the European Commission, but also the way the decisions will be made in the European Union as well as the role that citizens will have against the powerful leaders.

Mr Tsipras is candidate for the presidency and he will meet the other candidates, Martin Schulz, Guy Verhofstadt and Ska Keller.

The question is whether the new European Parliament will vote for President among the five candidates who had been proposed in European elections and participated in the famous debate, representing their parties.

Mr.Tsipras and the other candidates believe that one of these five candidates should be elected, and Jean- Claude Juncker, head of the European People’s Party, has already been proposed, even by the president of SYRIZA, to take the first mandate since EPP has the majority.

However, there are already some reactions on Juncker’s candidancy, from UK and other countries and political parties.

Mr Tsipras will also meet the President of the European Left Party, Pierre Laurent, the President of the GUE / NGL, Gabi Zimmer , the head of Podemos, Pablo Iglesias and the President of SEL, Nichi Vendola in order to discuss joint actions and alliances of the left-wing in the European Parliament.