Tsipras to Chinese business community: Greece an opportunity for investments

A series of deals signed

Speaking at a Chinese-Greek business forum in China, Monday, Greek PM Alesxis Tsipras attempted to ‘sell’ the image of Greece as an investment-friendly country to foreign capital that is on its way to exiting the economic crisis. Tsipras reassured Chinese investors that the Brexit would not impact possible investments in Greece saying: ‘The new silk road, today’s ‘one belt one road, as China’s European strategy is called, is not threatened by the Brexit, on the contrary it brings us closer’, he said. Tsipras said Greece had left behind it a long period of economic crisis and uncertainty and was entering a period of dynamic recovery by regaining the trust of market investors. He continued by pointing out that the Greek banking system was fully recapitalised and was part of the ECB’s affordable quantitative easing program. ‘We are aiming at implementing an investment shock of public and private investments to recede unemployment’, he stressed, adding that within this framework large scale projects that has been blocked in the past due to the crisis could be put back on track again. According to government sources, based on Tsipras’s meeting with Chinese premier Li Keqiang and talks between the two delegations, there were six investment proposals tabled by the Greek side:

-Investments in the Greek banking sector

-Expanding agricultural exports to China

-Research and Development. Creation of an R&D Centre in Greece.

-Investments in tourism and an increase in tourism between Beijing and Athens.

-Collaboration in culture and education.

The two sides also agreed to set up a permanent committee to follow the progress of the agreements. During Monday’s official meeting, a series of agreements were signed between the two delegations, including:

-A plan for investments in the tourism industry.

-An agreement between the Greek Education Ministry and the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology in the field of technological and scientific innovation.

-A memorandum between the Greek and Chinese national libraries.

-A memorandum between the Chinese Cultural Heritage service and the Greek Ministry for Culture and Sports.

-An agreement of cooperation between the Chinese Development bank and the Bank of Greece.

-An agreement of collaboration for the promotion of investments between China Investment Promotion Agency and Enterprise Greece.

-A memorandum of understanding between Greek state broadcaster ERT and Chinese CCTV.

The Greek delegation  is scheduled to depart for Shanghai where a series of contact will take place representatives of large companies. Among others, a meeting with business magnate and one of the richest men in the world, owner of Alibaba online retail site, is expected to take place, as well as a meeting with COSCO CEO