Turkish EU accession seems unlikely, says study

Six out of 10 Turks don’t think Turkey will ever be an EU member

German-based Turkish European Foundation for Education and Scientific Studies (TAVAK) questioned 1,180 people from major cities on Turkey’s EU accession. 61% of respondents answered negatively to the question, “Do you believe Turkey will become an EU member?”

40% said that Turkey has not made adequate efforts to enter. Turks believe that the most negative stance concerning Turkey’s EU accession is held by Germany (54% against). 27% saw the French as being the most staunch supporters whereas 7% saw Greek Cypriots  as the biggest obstacle.

49% of respondents saw the free movement of individuals within the EU’s borders as the greatest benefit that would be gained from Turkey’s accession. 20% said that the allocation of a portion of the EU budget for Turkey would be the greatest benefit.

64% of Turkish respondents believe that their country needs the EU for financial reasons, up from 18.6% in 2013.

31% saw the EU’s negativity to Turkey being caused by Islamophobia, 26% saw Turkey’s failure to become more democratic as the reason for the EU’s negativity, whereas 18% believed the reason had to do with Turkey being underdeveloped.