France: Shooting and a bomb blast in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo attack

France is in a state of alert with three separate attacks, starting with the first at the office of Charlie Hebdo magazine

Yet another shooting incident took place on Thursday morning in France, just a short distance away from Wednesday’s tragic attack against French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo that caused the death of 12 people. On Thursday morning, a man reportedly opened fired with a Kalashnikov against two police officers in Porte de Chatillon, south of Paris. Based on the images broadcasted by French media, one of the police officers, a woman, was seriously wounded while the other one is in a state of shock. According to preliminary information, a man was arrested inside the metro for the attack. Strong police forces have arrived at the spot and investigate possible connections with yesterday’s tragedy.

In a separate incident a bomb blast near a mosque in northern France. The blast took place at Villefrance, south France, however there were no victims. There is speculation as to whether the blast could be linked to the Wednesday’s terrorist attack.

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