See Christianity’s answer to Disneyland (pics+vid)

Holy Land features simulations of the creation, while a robot Jesus is resurrected seven times a day

The world’s first religious theme park located near Buenos Aires, Argentina, is where children can meet a robot Jesus and participate in the daily crucifixions.

The park, near Buenos Aires, Argentina, is billed as ‘Christianity’s answer to Disneyland’.


Tierra Santa, which means Holy Land in Spanish, features simulations of the creation, Noah’s ark, the last supper, while a robot Jesus is resurrected seven times a day, says The Sun.


Every day an actor pretends to be Jesus and is whipped by a Roman guard all the way to his own crucifixion while crowds watch on.


School children can play the Good Samaritan by helping to carry the wooden cross, while several times a day a robot Jesus recreates the resurrection.



