What is the advertisement that Australians don’t want you to see? (pics)

Australians think the body positivity ads are positively obscene

The Australian Standards Bureau upheld four complaints that the image of four naked women, showing their bottoms, was “pornographic in nature”. The ad campaign was to promote positive body-images on behalf of UK-based cosmetics retailer Lush.

The ads appeared on shop windows in Australia to show that it’s ok to have tattoos and cellulite. They were taken down as they were found to be at “child’s eye level” and offensive to the standards of public decency.

Lush, on its part, states that the images were designed with respect to women’s bodies so as to promote body positivity.

The company states:

“The women in the images are members of the Lush team, who felt strongly about this issue […] The image is completely untouched, as we feel that we should not be ashamed of our bodies in their natural state, and that every single one of us is beautiful in our diversity […]”.