What type of porn viewer are you?

Study shows three major categories

Let’s be honest. Everyone has watched porn at some point in their lives. To get a measure of how much porn people watch around the world, according to data 4.6 billion hours of online pornography was watched on Pornhub alone last year, which accounted for 12.5 videos for every person on Earth. But scientists have revealed that not all porn viewers are alike. They found users fall into three categories, which includes recreational, distressed or compulsive – and even created tests to find out which group people are part of.
The study was conducted by the Université Laval in Quebec, which examined whether there are different profiles of pornography users and if they play a role in specific sexual outcomes.
During this investigation, the team surveyed 830 participants from the university, web classifieds and social media sites, reports NY Magazine.
Approximately 71.8 percent of the subjects were women and 28.2 percent were men.
These were the three categories porn viewers were placed in:

Recreational: Watched an average of 24 minutes a week.
This group scored low with compulsivity, intensity of efforts to access pornography, and emotional distress associated with consumption.
And it was mostly women and people in relationships.
It was also found that, compared to the other groups, those who fall into recreational reported higher sexual satisfaction and lower levels of sexual compulsivity, avoidance and dysfunction.
Distressed:  Watched an average of 17 minutes a week.
However, watching pornographic content was found to cause these individuals emotional stress – they feel more shame, self-disgust and self-punishment after watching pornography.
Compulsive: Watched an average of 110 minutes a week and was mostly men.
This groups’ behavior may be a result of compulsive sexuality that includes avoidance of sexual interactions with a partner.

source: dailymail.co.uk