Are UK PM Theresa May and German Chancellor Angela Merkel part of the Illuminati?

Actors and celebrities often use same hand signal

New British PM Theresa May was caught up in a bizarre conspiracy theory on the internet (it doesn’t take much really), as she was seen using a signal resembling the diamond shaped ‘Illuminati’ sign with her hands during her speech at the the UK Parliament. As British ‘DailyMail’ writes: The hand signal is listed on the illuminati hand signs conspiracy theory website illuminatiRex and described as a ‘Merkel-Raute’. The ‘Merkel-Raute’ is a reverse variation of the first illuminati ‘Roc Sign’ – roughly in the shape of a diamond or pyramid – used by celebrities such as actors, Denzel Washington, Ben Stiller and Tom Cruise. Users of the ‘Merkel-Raute’, as it has become known due to the German’s frequent use, have also included other European historical figures including Pope John Paul II and Adolf Hitler.  ‘The pyramid is an important Illuminati symbol showing their few ruling the many on the bottom type power structure,’ the illuminatiRex website states. Mr Juncker was captured using the ‘Merkel-Raute’ signal this week when he met Belgium royalty on Friday.
But he had also used it on July 7 in Strasbourg, France.
German politician Memet Kilic had noticed the similarities between Mrs May and Mrs Merkel, describing the new PM as a ‘competitor’ in hand gestures against the German.




German Chancellor Angela Merkel shares a laugh with Ukraine's president Petro Poroshenko as British Prime Minister David Cameron watches at the NATO summit in Warsaw, Poland, Friday, July 8, 2016. Starting Friday, US President Barack Obama and leaders of the 27 other NATO countries will take decisions in Warsaw on how to deal with a resurgent Russia, violent extremist organizations like Islamic State, attacks in cyberspace and other menaces to allies' security during a summit described by many observers as NATO's most crucial meeting since the 1989 fall of the Berlin Wall.(AP Photo/Alik Keplicz)
