Frankfurter Rundschau: Failure to pass social security bill could bring down Tsipras

“He wanted to send away troika forever, but he was not able to keep his promise” the article mentions

German newspaper Frankfurter Rundschau published an article on Greece and the required reforms describing the social security reform as the main challenge that Tsipras’ government is called to overcome.

“On Thursday labour unions have called for a general strike. The social security reform will be the biggest political challenge for Tsipras” the article mentions warning that failing to pass the social security reform would mean the end of Tsipras’ ruling.

Moreover, the article refers to farmers’ protest actions and the promises given by Alexis Tsipras a year ago: “He wanted to send away troika forever, but he was not able to keep his promise. The troika is still there, even though now everyone speaks of the representatives of the institutions”.