Is Bruce Jenner switching … gender?

Finally happy…

Kardashian sisters’ stepdad Bruce Jenner — known long before reality TV as the 1976 decathlon gold medalist — has recently caused his own mini Internet tsunami with appearances showing a decidedly more feminine side. It’s not as explosive as step-daughter recent #breaktheinternet but Jenner’s hairstyles, fashion choices and a reported operation to soften his Adam’s apple has gossip-mongers going into overdrive.

According to “sources”, Jenner, 65, “is happy and his family is happy for him. It is the right time for him to make the next step”.


Paparazzi have already detailed a very obvious “change” in look and style. Longer hair, nails and make-up.


All ten of his children have already begun to adapt to changes having as first priority his happiness.

What remains now is the announcement of the “documentary”.
