Models are getting skinnier and skinnier, study reveals

According to the results, only 75 of the 3,000 models surveyed had a healthy BMI

A Danish beauty-industry group conducted a survey of 3,000 models employed at every prominent agency in the world and found out that 94 percent of them are extremely underweight.

The researchers from came to their conclusion about the general low Body Mass Indexes for models by first obtaining their height, bust size, waist width and hip measurements from public data available on their employer’s Web sites. then used a “body visualizer” system to estimate how heavy they were, since the Web sites don’t include the models’ weights.

Those numbers were then combined to calculate the catwalkers’ BMI.

According to the results, only 75 of the 3,000 models surveyed had a healthy BMI, which ranges between 18.5 and 25, while none had a BMI over 21.

The average model stands 5-foot-10, weighs about 119 pounds with a BMI of 17.3, while the World Health Organization classifies anyone with a BMI under 18.5 as malnourished.

Source: New York Post