Varoufakis: Our deal with Tsipras was to threaten them with a Grexit

He described the German Finance Minister as an incompetent little man with no knowledge on financial issues

Former Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis talked to Athens Live new website and reveals that there was a deal with Tsipras to threaten Europeans with a Grexit.

“Our deal with Tsipras was that behind closed doors, we would threaten them with a Grexit”, he said, while asked on what would happen in case of a Grexit, he said “the image wouldn’t be nice”.

Mr. Varoufakis also reveals unknown details of what happened during a meeting with Euclid Tsakalotos and the President of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi, when, as Varoufakis claims, Draghi begged him to stop talking about the bonds and the S&P program.

He also claimed that after their meeting, Deputy Prime Minister Yannis Dragasakis visited Draghi in Frankfurt and told him: “Don’t listen to Varoufakis, I will veto him”.

Varoufakis described German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble as an incompetent little man with no knowledge on financial issues, while for Merkel he said that “her horizon is for three months, she doesn’t look beyond these three months”.

Regarding the crisis in Greece, he argued that “Greece is not sustainable at this moment” adding that “What’s happening now will lead to very bad developments” and a new wave of range and “What’s important is to see who will organize this new wave of outrage”.