Where do Greeks hide their money? Bild knows!

According to Bild, there are billions of euros hidden in Greek potplants, medicine cabinets and stoves… though the reportage forgot the stash that’s under the mattress!

Τώρα η Bild ανακάλυψε πού κρύβουν οι Ελληνες τα χρήματά τους!

German tabloid Bild wrote an ironic article titled “See where Greeks afraid of a Grexit hide there money”. The article based its photoreportage on three accounts to show how Greeks are in fear lest burglars rob them.

Vangelis, 39, wear a hood to hide 2,000 euros in a box in the kitchen. Though its hard to tell because Bild refers to DJ Vangelis in the subtitle but the photo is captioned with another name, John, aged 32. According to Vangelis/John, he withdrew his money because of panic in Greece regarding a Grexit.

The article reports that a pensioner named Anna T. hides 3,000 euros in her potplant. She claims she feels that hiding money in pot plants is safer than banks and that she will never again deposit money in a Greek financial institution.

Bild’s expose ends with a focus on 53-year-old Dimitra D. who hides 10,000 euros between crystal glasses. She states that she is sure that there will be a Grexit. She adds that she has a good alarm system and isn’t afraid of burglars.

Bild sensationalist claims apparently show that Greeks have lost their confidence in their country’s banking system and fear a Grexit from the eurozone. In January alone – which coincided with the election – they withdrew 23 bln euros. The article concludes that billions of euros are hidden in Greek houses as burglars are sprouting, seeing the opportunity that this offers. The article states that just on Monday an anonymous man withdrew 30,000 from the bank and was robbed in an elevator.