13,000 refugees in Idomeni struggle to survive waiting to cross the border (pics+vid)

FYROM authorities allowed only 84 refugees to cross the Greek-FYROM buffer zone

The number of refugees and immigrants stuck at Greece-FYROM borders rose to 13,000, while at the same time about 1,000 immigrants arrived at Piraeus port in the morning and thousands of people are waiting at Victoria Square, center of Athens.

It is estimated that about 32,000 refugees and immigrants are in Greece: 3,500 people at Elliniko, 3,000 at Piraeus, while the refugee centers at Eleonas and Schisto are fully packed.

The refugees and immigrants at Idomeni are trying to survive under the worst conditions, since many of them do not have even a tent and are spending their night outdoors. Due to Thursday’s rainstorm the camp has been turned into a vast mudflat, while the drop of the temperature makes things worse.

Over the last 24 hours FYROM authorities allowed only 84 refugees to cross the Greek-FYROM buffer zone, while the refugee flow to the Greek islands continues.







