The International Monetary Fund asks Greek government to take new measures in order to cover its fiscal gap, as they had already informed Greece since November during the Euro Working Group conferece call, according to an official document.
An official document on the meeting minutes was revealed by and mentions the views of the lenders’ representatives at the conference call of EWG carried out on November 8 in which deputy Finance Minister Giorgos Chouliarakis participated presenting the Greek plan.
The document mentions that IMF’s representative Delia Velculescu argued that “On fiscal there seemed to be shortfalls, some compensation may be needed in 2015, and some measures needed to cover the gaps going forward” referring directly to a fiscal gap for 2015 and the need for additional measures.
Moreover, the head of Euroworking Group, Thomas Wieser, said at the meeting that “no disbursements will not be possible until there is full agreement on all targets and other important conditions”, according to the official document revealed.
In light of this document, many questions have been raised about yesterday’s Greek finance Minister’s statements, who argued that the Greek government does not know anything about additional measures, while according to the document IMF has already stated that new measures will be needed.
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