Kostas Zouraris, the unconventional, self-proclaimed leftist, communist and Orthodox Chriatian, who was recently appointed Deputy Minister of Education Affairs expressed his support for the erection of multiple Islamic mosques across Greece for the country’s Muslim refugees to expresss their religious faith. “Greece has 1,700% more refugees than the Czech Republic and Bulgaria”, Zouraris told radio station “North 98” in Thessaloniki. In the interview Zouraris said he was currently involved in examining the renewal of the school books used in the primary and secondary levels of education. On the question of whether it would be possible to include the teaching of ancient Greek as a lesson from primary school, he admitted that such a move was difficult at the moment, but added that he was considering as plan that would allow students to participate on voluntary basis in the 1st and 2nd year of junior high school and senior high school. Zouraris stressed that the relations between the Church and state would be smoother after the “rocky” relations between his predecessor, Nikos Filis with the head of the Greek Orthodox Church, Ieronymos. Commenting in the ongoing negotiations between Greece and her creditors, he claimed their aim was to force Greece to bow down. “They are demanding pounds of blood”, he said.
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