According to the evaluation of TUI Germany, there was an improvement in the quality of the hotels and the services provided by the Greek hotels.
Greece expects an increase of German tourists of up to 30% while arrivals from Germany last year increased 11,7%, which equals to 3,14 million tourists, with TUI being the agency of choice for their majority.
These results were presented in Rhodes by the Head of the TUI Hotel Consulting & Quality Management, during the “4th Meeting for Quality in Tourism”.
More specifically, on a scale from 0 to 10, the total rating of the Greek hotels is 8,70. The islands of Kos, Rhodes, Crete stand out with 8,84, 8,73 and 8,70 respectively.
The main conclusions are that:
– Quality is a major factor for the potential customers.
– The strongest categories for the Greek hotels are “customer service”, hotel facilities” and quality in the food services. The “room quality” is a bit low, but still increased compared with 2015.
– The Greek destinations are among the best on the “hospitality” category.
– On the other hand there is room for improvement in the field of environmental care as well as cultural infrastructure.
The TUI Germany customers to Greece have the following characteristics:
– 50% are couples, and 40% families with children, which are the two biggest categories.
– 43% are people with university education
– 49% are people of higher incomes
– 1/3rd of the customers visiting Greece are 40 to 49 years old and then it is the 50-59 category (27%) and the 30-39 category (20%).
– September is the month with the highest number of arrivals, followed by August and June.