The first 24 hours are the mist important for tourists, according to a survey conducted by According to the data which was based on a sample of 18,000 travellers from 25 countries around the globe, nearly half (46%) said that the first hours determine the whole trip, while one in three (36%) consider that the first day will either “break or make” their entire experience.
As for the first things that the modern traveler does in the first hours after arriving at the destination, the most “practical” elements include getting things out of their luggage (63%), discovering the accommodation (60%) and start planning the next day (53%).
Their next move have to do with social media (27%, but 37% for ages 18-34)
– Online connection to find reviews from local restaurants (26%)
– Meeting with new people / effort to create new contacts (24%) – Attempt to improve language skills (16%)
-Room service (15%)
-Music from the holiday playlist (13%)
– Checking your email for work (10%). Social media photos, checking emails and room service tend to be done before the more common holiday things like the first ice cream on Holidays and swimming in the pool (47% enjoy a sweet in the first hour and only 19% visit the pool, compared to 54% taking photos, 56% checking email and 57% ordering room service at the same time) .
Nearly one-third (29%) reported worrying about something going wrong in the first 24 hours.
-4 out of 10 (39%) are worried about losing their luggage, (eventually 8% lose it).
-35% worry about whether they can satisfy their hunger by finding a good place to eat (35%) and getting sick (34%).
-40% are concerned about not having access to the internet or Wi-Fi connection.
-40% are afraid of being disappointed in the accommodation, but 83% of their holidays are surprisingly positive. The nationalities that had the best vacation experiences in the first 24 hours are the Russians, the Dutch, the Thai, the Spaniards and the Scandinavians.
For the first 24 hours, the absolute priorities are the accommodation with a second exploration (60%) and the bed test (36%).
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