The other day, I was playing around with stumbleupon and came across this photo, which – well, it speaks for itself. Wow.
Gives you perspective, doesn’t it? Actually, I’m a little surprised that the dot shows up on this image at all. Some people describe this as humbling, but for me, I see it as just the beginning. I’m very grateful to be a member of the very few generations of humanity that have ever lived who are (a) capable of creating radio broadcasts and (b) realizing how much more of the universe there is beyond what we’ve experienced.
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I tweeted a link to it, and while I expected some retweets, I was surprised to see its spread — I think it’s probably the single most retweeted tweet I have ever written. There’s probably several reasons for that. Links to photos are more likely to be retweeted than others. Very short but still substantial tweets are more likely to be retweeted, because it gives the repeater scope for their own commentary. And this is the sort of thing that can make just about anybody who is capable of operating a cell phone go “hmm,” so it has wide appeal.
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