Early on Wednesday morning, the HS Hydra participated in an operation to protect a commercial vessel in the Gulf of Aden, near Yemen.
Specifically, the HS Hydra fired shots against two drones (UAVs).
The drones threatening the ship withdrew, and the frigate continues its mission as usual.
This marks the frigate’s first engagement as part of Operation “Shields”.
According to the relevant announcement:
“On Wednesday, March 13, 2024, in the morning hours in the Gulf of Aden, the Frigate HS Hydra, as part of the EUNAVFOR ASPIDES operation, providing protection to a commercial vessel, fired shots against 2 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), in accordance with the applicable Rules of Engagement, which withdrew. The Frigate continues its mission as usual”.
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A relevant announcement was also made on the official account of Operation Shields on X (formerly Twitter):
On 13 March, the ?? Frigate “HYDRA” as part of @EUNAVFORASPIDES and providing protection to a merchant ship, opened fires against 2 UAVs posing an imminent threat to the freedom of navigation. The action was effective in avoiding any damage to seafarers and merchant shipping. pic.twitter.com/gUkvveMx03
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