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Monday to Friday, between 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM. It sounds like office hours, but in reality, these are the days and hours when most traffic accidents occur. When we factor in the months, August emerges as the month with the fewest accidents, almost as if drivers take a summer break from crashes too. Unbelievable? Not at all, as this is based on statistical data collected by Hellas Direct for 2023, painting a picture of daily life on the roads.
Considering how many hours we spend behind the wheel for work, school, kids’ activities, and various other obligations, it’s no surprise that accidents increase on weekdays, especially midweek when fatigue sets in, making the weekend seem far, far away.

Specifically, the numbers show that Wednesday is the most accident-prone day, with 16.41% of accidents. Tuesday follows closely with 16.36%, and Thursday with 16.16%. Monday is slightly lower at 16%, likely because we haven’t yet accumulated stress or fatigue after the weekend, and Friday (also at 16%) gives us hope as the weekend approaches. Life moves in cycles, after all. Even on Saturday, when we’re still out and about, whether because of a six-day workweek or because the fridge is empty and the kids need to get to ballet, soccer, etc., the rate drops but remains in double digits, at 11.25%. Finally (at last!), we reach Sunday, with an impressive low of 7.82%.

But aside from the days, the time of day also matters. As Hellas Direct’s data from previous years also showed, the period between 12:00 PM and 3:00 PM holds the top spot for accidents, accounting for 24.36%. Next is the challenging period from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM, while the morning hours from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM follow closely behind. On the other hand, the lowest rate is during the night, from 3:00 AM to 6:00 AM, when the city sleeps, and there are very few drivers on the road, with only 0.9%.
As for the months, as mentioned earlier, August is the quietest month. Whether it’s because we avoid driving due to the heat, because the air conditioning is on full blast and the car doesn’t perform as well, or simply because we’re in no hurry to reach our destination, since no one wants to leave the cool cabin to step into the blazing heat — whatever the reasons, the result is a dramatically lower accident rate compared to all other months, at just 0.8%. The other months have higher accident rates, with December being the highest at 1.1%. This is likely linked to the increased activity that accompanies the Christmas holidays: shopping, kids’ events, outings, gatherings, year-end tasks, and much more contribute to our increased movement and thus the higher chances of accidents.

So, the question is, what can we do to stay safe? Since we can’t predict if or when we might be involved in an accident, the first and most important step is to insure our vehicle. The key is prevention, as in every other aspect of life. We choose a reliable insurance company like Hellas Direct, which prioritizes innovative products, safety, and customer benefits, providing fast compensation in case of an accident. With its Fast Track service, over half of claims are settled within 24 hours, sometimes on the same day the drivers file their car or motorcycle insurance claims.
Hellas Direct keeps up with modern trends in the insurance industry and adapts to our needs. It offers annual car insurance in 12 debit card installments through its FlexiPay service. This way, we get the benefit of 12-month coverage and flexible payments. But also the option to include car insurance covers that we may have avoided for financial reasons, such as Glass and Road Assistance, which are among the car insurance Greece essentials.
We can insure quickly and easily with Hellas Direct, without hidden fees or fine print, either online or through our insurance agent.
Whatever the circumstances, no matter the day, time, or month, we stay safe with Hellas Direct.
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