54-Year Old Grandma In Indonesia Reportedly Eaten Alive By 22-Foot Python (warning: distressing footage)

The distressing video then showed villagers meticulously tearing it open, revealing what authorities believe to be the chewed body of the missing grandma

A 22-foot-long python in Indonesia swallowed a grandmother whole, and disturbing footage shows the moment her remains were discovered within the cut-open snake.

According to police, a search was begun after the victim, 54-year-old Jahrah did not come home after collecting rubber from a plantation in the Jambi region on Sunday.

According to Betara Jambi Police Chief AKP Herafa, despite the husband’s searching the area, he only discovered his wife’s sandals, jacket, headscarf, and knife.
The following day, he returned to the same place with a search party and, according to authorities, stumbled upon the enormous snake with a bloated middle where it had eaten a sizable meal.

Wild footage shows a volunteer carefully pinning the snake’s head downward with a branch as others began beating it above the widened region.

The distressing video then showed villagers meticulously tearing it open, revealing what authorities believe to be the chewed body of the missing grandma.

“Everyone was astonished,” Anto, the head of the local Terjun Gajah village, told ViralPress.”It turned out that the woman we were looking for was in the snake’s stomach.”

source indiatimes.com