In an interview with private ANT1 TV, Prime Minister Antonis Samaras said on Saturday that it would be strange if the Greek people elected main opposition SYRIZA as Greece’s new government on January 25, as it is a party that is constantly trying to bring Greece into conflict with its partners.
Mr. Samaras noted that main opposition leader Alexis Tsipras has ruled out any possibility of cooperation with pro-European forces such as PASOK and To Potami and that he has only addressed a proposal for cooperation to enti-EU Communist Party (KKE) and ANTARSYA.
“I refuse to believe that that the Greek citizens will ever allow SYRIZA ,with its weird, Third World obsessions to come to power and use Greeks as its guinea pigs,” the Prime Minister added.
Stating that major forces in a coalition government must be European, Mr. Samaras underlined that this is the main reason why Greeks should again place their trust in New Democracy in the upcoming elections.
With regard to his refusal to participate in a televised debate with SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras, Mr. Samaras stressed that he will never engage in dialogue with defamers.
“Mr. Tsipras doesn’t know how much money the country owes, nor how many countries are in the euro zone. Moreover, he has no idea what bonds are and how they work,” he added.
He described the main opposition party as a modern “Tower of Babel” noting that every SYRIZA member seems to have a different idea regarding the party’s program.
“Yesterday someone from SYRIZA said that the country should print 100 billion euros. Why not print 500 billion? The debt problem would then magically be solved and we could even lend cash to other countries,” Mr. Samaras said sarcastically.
“They want to turn the country into a European edition of Venezuela,” warned Mr. Samaras, adding that SYRIZA is willing to put the country’s future at risk.
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