
Jun 2024
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> Search results for: US MOTHERS DAY

showing 102 results

> Search results for: US MOTHERS DAY

showing 102 results

Parliament – Samaras: Obviously I will vote against, same-sex marriage is not a human right

"They are my views and nothing else," he told reporters - "No comment" replies the government - "We are opening a backdoor for 'parent 1 and 2'"

A Timeless Message from Fr. Eusevios Vittis on Christmas

The Elder used the pen name “Helladios” during the early years of his stay at his hermitage in Rättvik, Sweden, as part of his systematic effort to avoid publicity

Hamas Leader: “Women, children, elderly” must die in Gaza to help our fight against Israel

“We need this blood so it awakens within us the revolutionary spirit, so it awakens within us resolve, so it awakens within us the spirit of challenge & push us to move forward”

California cities rattled by prostitution, human trafficking in broad daylight as cops pin blame on new law

The new criminal justice reform allegedly aims to protect transgender people from being "unfairly" targeted by law enforcement

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