African dust: Disagreement among meteorologists on whether the phenomenon will return

The director of EMY argues that based on meteorological models, no significant wave of African dust is expected – Instead, there will be a strong 8 Beaufort windstorm

Serious reservations about the possibility of African dust, the director of EMY Thodoris Kolydas argues in a post on X.

“What dust?” is the title of the post, in which Kolydas says that none of the meteorological models confirm that a significant wave of African dust is coming.

Instead, he says, there will be a 7 Beaufort winds.

In detail the “What Dust?” post of Mr. Kolydas:

I was asked to talk about the dust that is “coming”. But neither the reliable Copernicus , nor the authoritative Skiron give us any significant amounts of dust to make announcements. And all this with a wind tomorrow at 8 Beaufort.

Dust transport should only be projected when the concentrations are high and in my personal opinion the way it has been projected causes more concern than informing the public.

In my personal opinion, the issue of dust is more of a cause for concern than information for citizens.

This morning, the National Observatory’s meteorological office referred to African dust expected from Thursday night and will be present throughout the weekend.

Earlier today, the available forecast data from / National Observatory of Athens said that the general atmospheric circulation will favour the transport of dust from the northeast towards our country, resulting in a relative increase in its concentrations from noon on Thursday 11/04.

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According to the same forecast, the increased dust concentrations will persist until the weekend of 13-14/04.

The map below shows an indication of the estimated atmospheric dust concentrations during the evening hours of Thursday 11/04.

For his part, meteorologist Klearhos Marousakis, in a post today, said that with the north winds in the Aegean strengthening again, today will pass with a new intense episode of African dust to keep us busy from Sunday – Monday and onwards.