Far leftist rallies against recent govt deal with eurozone creditors

KKE and ANTARSYA are holding separate demonstrations calling for an end to bailout deals

After several pro-government rallies around the world in support of the Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA) government’s negotiations with Greece’s EU partners, the mood was severely dampened upon the submission of a list of reforms sent by Athens to its creditors, viewed by many as a watered-down version of the government’s campaign pledges.

Demonstrations, now anti-government in nature and not “pro-government”, are scheduled in Syntagma Square in Athens and outside the White Tower in Thessaloniki at 16.00 GMT on Thursday. The rallies, organized by the small out-of-Parliament far-leftist ANTARSYA, oppose any “extension” of a loan agreement with creditors and an absolute debt write-off with a “return of looted money”.

These demonstrations are being held a day before a similar rally by the larger Communist Party (KKE) at Syntagma Square to protest against the agreement reached the government and Eurogroup. Friday’s rally would be addressed by the KKE Party Secretary General Dimitris koutsoumbas.