Art Athina – No crisis in creativity (video)

The oldest event on the latest in art runs through to June 7!

Artists from around the world are in Greece to display their work and take part in creative cultural exchange. From yarn bombings to photographs, from mainstream art to cutting-edge art happenings, chances are you’ll find it all at Art-Athina – one of the oldest contemporary art fairs of Europe and the largest annual visual arts event in Greece. The 20th edition of the event is back with a vengeance at the Faliro Pavilion of the Tae Kwon Do Stadium.


Visitors this year can enjoy the 2015 Platforms Project that presents 48 important platforms/art group actions from 15 countries with over 700 artists giving visitors an inside view into the way they work. Talks focus on everything from the crisis and art in Greece, funding, scholarships and the future of art. Tributes to avant-garde artists and of course, what would a contemporary art event worth its salt be without a focus of ephemeral urban art? This year, a tribute to the graffiti artists of Athens puts faces on the creative scrawls on Greece’s walls.


Younger visitors are invited to take part in an educational program introducing children to Andy Warhol. Specifically, kids will be introduced to the interactive installation “Silver Clouds”, one of Warhol’s lesser-known works. They’ll also get to see black-and-white film portraits, known as “Screen Tests”.

Art-Athina has been open to the general public since Friday and runs through Sunday. It is open from noon to 9 p.m. with tickets at 7 euros and concessions at 5 euros for students, people over 65 and unemployment card holders. Free entrance for people with disabilities, children under 18 years and members of the Chamber of Fine Arts of Greece.

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