Cicciolina: Tsipras was your choice, you must move forward with that (pics)

“You are those who will say if he is suitable for Prime Minister” she said answering questions about Tsipras

Wearing a wreath of red and pink roses on her head, red lipstick and a dress revealing her juicy figure, former porn star Ilona Staller, widely known by her stage name Cicciolina, attended the press conference ahead of the opening of Erotic Festival to take place in Tae Kwon Do stadium in Faliro, Athens.


Cicciolina said she was very happy to be in such a beautiful country like Greece. Asked on left government in Greece she said: “For me, it doesn’t matter if there is a left, right, center, government, the point is that whoever is in power, even though I was a member of a left party, shall embrace and deal with the real problems of society”.


“Unfortunately, I am not able to answer you on the left-wing in your country. I cannot comment on Alexis Tsipras, because I live far away, you are those who will say if he is suitable for Prime Minister. It was your own political choice and you should move forward with that”.


The world famous former porn star also stated that economic crisis affects sexual life but it shouldn’t, because love and sex are an integral part of everyone’s life.

