The Hellenic National Public Health Organization (EODY) announced on Wednesday 407 new Covid-19 cases, of which 56 are associated with known outbreaks and 25 were detected following checks at the country’s borders. The total number of cases is 20,947, of which 55.9% are men.
3,150 (15.0%) are considered to be related to travel from abroad and 8,559 (40.9%) are related to an already known case.
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88 patients are being treated by intubation. Their median age is 67 years with 24 (27.3%) being women and the rest men, while 90.9% of the intubated patients have an underlying condition or are aged 70 years and older. 232 patients have been discharged from the ICU.
Finally, there were 4 more recorded deaths bringing the death toll to 424 in the country. 158 (37.3%) are women and the rest men. Their median is 78 years with 96.5% suffering from underlying disease and/or age 70 years and over.
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