Crisis affects abortions, but Greece is still a champion

Half of the 80,000 abortions in Greece involve underage girls

The financial crisis has led to a reduction in abortions in Greece but it is still remains in the first ranks among European countries according to a British study conducted by the Obstretic-Gynecological Clinics of the University of London. There are 80,000 abortions per year, half of which involve underage girls.

Greece is behind as far as sex education is concerned with only 3% of sexually active women on the pill while one in two are on the pill in the rest of Europe.

27% of young women resort to the morning after pill to avoid unwanted pregnancy with pharmacies selling two million morning after pills in 2014. On a more positive note, the study showed an increase in the use of condoms that are used by 75% of couples compared to 30% in the past.