Criticism of SYRIZA’s program at 79th TIF

Independent deputy P. Tatsopoulos doesn’t believe that SYRIZA will be able to keep its promises

A day after main opposition Coalition of the Left (SYRIZA) party leader Alexis Tsipras presentation of his party’s program at the 79th Thessaloniki International Trade Fair, independent former socialist party deputy Petros Tatsopoulos made scathing remarks on his social media accounts. Specifically, on Facebook his status said:

According to the polls, the ‘promise everything’ recipe is transcendentally unbeatable. The response is obvious for those who propose it. However it remains a mystery as to those who test it.



Government spokesperson Sofia Voultepsi also mocked SYRIZA’s plan by stating that it “was raining billions from the Thessaloniki sky.” She stated that SYRIZA’s first year in government would be disastrous and would cause Greece’s exit from the euro.