Dijsselbloem-Moscovici dialogue on debt caught on microphone

After the end of a joint press conference on the outcomes of Eurogoup meeting

Head of Eurogroup Jeroen Dijsselbloem was caught on microphone admitting at European Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs Pierre Moscovici that he intentionally provoked a Greek debt relief debate.

After the end of a joint press conference between the two men on the outcomes of Eurogoup meeting held on Monday, and while they were still in the room, Dijsselbloem was caught on microphone saying that he intentionally provoked a Greek debt relief debate.

“I think you launched a huge debate on debt relief,” Moscovici told Dijsselbloem regarding an answer he gave to reporters.

“I did it on purpose!” Dijsselbloem replied.

The video was posted by Financial Times journalist Peter Spiegel on his Twitter account.
