ELSTAT: Only 4 in 10 Greeks are economically active

The Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT) released the economic profile of Greek residents based on 2011 Population & Housing Census

Greece’s Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT) on Wednesday released details of the economic profile of Greek residents, based on the 2011 Population and Housing Census.

Figures show that the economically active population of Greece amounts to 4,586,636 people (42.4% of the population), while the economically non-active population amounts to 6,229,650 people (57.6% of the total resident population).

Over 3.7 million people were declared actively employed in 2011, whereas 859,003 were unemployed. Males accounted to 59% of the total. Each household has an average number of 0.9 employed members.

The majority of foreign nationals in the country were employed in unskilled or manual labor or were self-employed. The majority of Greeks were employed in wholesale and retail trade (ranking first in the EU with 30.5%), the public sector and defence.