EU compensation for peach and nectarine producers worth 30 million euros

EC gives 125 million euros for fruit and vegetable producers hit by the Russian embargo alongside 30 million euros for producers of peaches and nectarines

The European Commission announced a 125-million euro package of funding for fruit and vegetable producers affected by Russia’s embargo of EU imports that began on August 6. It said that the money would be available until the end of November for producers of tomatoes, carrots, white cabbage, peppers, cauliflowers, cucumbers, gherkins, mushrooms, apples, pear, red fruits, table grapes and kiwis. The statement noted that the “markets for these products are in full season, with no starage option for most of them and no immediate alternative market available.”

The move comes after the commission earlier this month set aside up to 30 million euros for peaches and nectarines.

EU member states’ agricultural experts are to meet in Brussels on Friday to see whetehr other sectors need assistance from a 420-million-euro fund to cover the costs of the loss. Another meeting of experts is to take place on September 5 to assess the state of markets.

The scheme will allow fruit producers to divert 5% of their output as fertilizer or to give these away to schools and hospitals in return for EU compensation.