Government set to legalize buildings on the seashore

The bill has already been approved by Finance Minister Gikas Hardouvelis despite the reactions

The direct assignment of parts of the seashore or the public beach will be allowed to persons who operate hotel businesses, camps and other companies.

The Finance Ministry prepares for a legal manoeuvre in order to deal with the obstacles regarding the foreshore bill. The government is essentially planning to give absolution to people who exploit the seashore and the beaches for their illegal activities, applying the formula used for the regulations regarding the illegal constructions.

However, instead of replacing the term “legalization” with “regulation”, like it has done before to overcome the objections of CoE regarding the illegal buildings, it has chosen to use temporarily the term “licensing” for illegal constructions on the seashore.

According to information, the bill has already been approved by Finance Minister Gikas Hardouvelis despite the reactions the government is ready to ‘pick up the gauntlet’, with the Maximos Mansion planning a counterattack.

However, it remains unclear when they will choose to submit the bill to the Parliament, while SYRIZA is trying to prevent its voting during the summer session of the Parliament.

A provision that was added in the draft law that was presented three months ago for the protection of the foreshore and beach has caused many reactions, as it permits the legalization of all illegal buildings which are located in the coastal zone.