Shakira: The new “queen” of Facebook

Even Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg was impressed and congratulated Shakira

The Colombian singer, Shakira, has reached 100.631.085 likes on her Facebook page and thanked her fans expressing her joy by saying that “Social media and specifically Facebook has helped myself and other artists bridge the gap between the stage and the audience.”


Shakira broke the record and managed to surpass Eminem, who has 91.9 million fans, and Riana, who has about 89 million “friends”.


Shakira often uses her page to inform her fans about new releases, concerts and shares some personal moments with them by posting photos of her and her ​​partner and their son. In fact, a photo of her husband with their child got nearly 3 million likes and was reproduced over 31,000 times.


Even Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg was impressed and congratulated Shakira by posting a comment on Shakira’s page: “Congrats! What an amazing milestone for an amazing person.”





