
Jul 2024
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Athens 27°C

> Greece

> Greece

Spetses: 44 year old Englishman found dead in the Old Port – He was a member of a sailing crew

Spotted by the crew of a passing boat - Port authorities informed

Miaoulia 2024 Grand Finale: Exciting weekend -Events await

Saturday, June 29, a reenactment of the Naval Battle of Gerontas will take place, featuring the symbolic burning of an effigy of the Turkish flagship

Shocking Crimes: The “Medea of Kalamaki” Who Drowned Her Three Children

She attempted to take her own life by holding a knife to her throat, but her husband arrived home in time to prevent the tragedy

Panhellenic Exam Results Released at 13:00 – Anticipated Student Progression

Ministry of Education's deadline for computerized submission codes

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