Greek-American viewers are divided over what MTV says it is like to grow up Greek (videos)

A large part of Greek-American society says the show makes Greek Americans look foolish

The show “Growing Up Greek” has divided the Greek-American community in two. There are groups who believe that the show is trash and a gross misrepresentation of what it is like to be Greek and are signing a petition (CLICK HERE) to have it removed from the air. Others, believe that Growing Up Greek is an entertaining reality show.

The show is set in Tarpon Springs, Florida, and features a group of twenty-somethings aiming to show what it is like to grow up in a Greek family. Double standards are emphasized on the show as we hear a father of a cast member say he wants his daughter to stay home to cook and clean. They cook lamb on a spit, an Easter tradition, even though it isn’t Easter and stick to their own kind.

“Growing Up Greek” is not unlike other reality shows that feed off stereotypes and display drama. Negative comments were quick to come by Greeks who are concerned that the show is portraying a false depiction of what it means to be Greek. It shows nothing of the richness of the Greek culture but prefers to stick to cliche images of plate-breaking, souvlaki-eating Greeks.

Father Anastasios Gounaris says that the production levels and standards were quite low when he saw the show:

The American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA) is deeply concerned with the production of MTV’s latest show, ‘Growing Up Greek,’ which is an unfortunate reinvention of its ‘Jersey Shore’ series.




There was a backlash of negative feedback on social media, but there are those who also like the show.

The site on social media titled “Fans of Growing Up Greek” had almost 3,000 likes on Thursday morning, while the site “Boycott Growing up Greek” was 250 likes short of 2,000 supporters.

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Here’s the trailer. What do you think?