Greek doctors train Romanians on IVF

While Greece has a success rate reaching 55%, Romania has only 30%

Both countries Ministers of Health Mr. Makis Voridis and Nicolae Banicioiu on the occasion of the scientific conference that took place in Romania during the weekend of September 27-28, have reached an agreement for Greek doctors to train Romanian doctors on assisted reproduction as well as on offering specific medical tourism packages to the Balkan country, emphasizing reproduction tourism.

During the conference, a cooperation agreement was signed between the University of Athens, the Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy and the “Athens GENNESIS” for theoretical and practical training of Romanian doctors in vitro fertilization, which already have registered 105 doctors.

At the same time the possibility of transferring difficult cases to Greece is being considered, as the relative success rate in Romania is 30%, when in Greece is over 55%.
The two Ministers have announced that they will launch a joint effort of inter-Balkan cooperation on medical tourism, starting from medically assisted reproduction.

Finally, a further cooperation was agreed on the control of medicine prices as well as the exchange of information and expertise on health.