Greek stock market in a slump

Business Insider: Greece crumbles again

For the second day in the row ASE notes a sharp decline, with the general Index noting a 6.25 drop to 888.93 points.

Earlier in the day the general Index noted a drop of 3.83% at 911 units, while an hour later the drop reached the 9.65% and fifteen minutes later even further to 10.05%.

Later on and after various fluctuations the fall was contained at the rate of -6.25%.
In the last two days the general Index has note an overall loss of 10%.

Foreign Funds that have Athens as second choice are selling out, since they know that they can always buy back in lower prices and also because the bonds unfortunately mirror the situation of 2012, were the buyers questioned the ability of Greece.

In other words, a wrong assessment of the market (mispricing) was made and only when some funds returned, the situation was reversed with large profits.

At the same time, since this morning two elements prevail in the market. The first is the attempt to create panic and second, the pursuit of capital increases at lower prices.

Further, the Greek 10-year bond yield blasted at 7.9%, exceeding the 700 units.

And while all this is happening, Business Insider reports that “Greece crumbles again”. More specifically the article starts like this:” As world didn’t have enough problems like Jihadists and Ebola, look what is back on charts. Greece”.