Hollande and Cameron are devastated over the shooting down of the Boeing

The president of France has asked for ‘Light’ in the circumstances surrounding the shooting down of the plane

The president of France, Francois Hollande has asked for ‘Light’ in the circumstances surrounding the shooting down of the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777.

In his statement to the press Hollande said that ” everything possible should be done in order to shed light on the circumstances” while he appalled and expressed his deep sorrow to the victim’s families.

The British Prime Minister David Cameron also made statements regarding the tragic incident.

“I am shocked and sad about the plane crash. Currently an officials meeting is ongoing in order to investigate the circumstances that led to the tragedy, “said Cameron.

According to British media five to seven Britons are estimated that were on board the aircraft.

A spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said to the AFP that “We’re not talking about the number of victims. Our priority is to find out if any Britons were involved”.