Eurogroup talks marred by suspicion and tension (Watch Live)

The government must pay an IMF tranche of 750 million euros, tomorrow

Today’s Eurogroup has finally begun. Nineteen Eurozone Finance Ministers, the ECB’s director Mario Draghi, and EC officials will discuss the Greek matter.


Prior to the Eurogroup’s launch, the Eurozone’s most powerful announced that no deal is expected today, which would in turn have signaled the European flow of money towards the country.


So why is today’s Eurogroup meeting of interest? It is directly linked to tomorrow’s deadline, when Greece must pay an IMF tranche of 750 million euros, and Wednesday’s decision by the ECB which will ordain any extra financial aid. The fact that Mario Draghi told Yannis Dragasakis he cannot control central banks of the Eurozone anymore, is also worth of note.


Alexis Tsipras’ government, as apparent by the meeting held on Sunday, will make their final decisions whether or not they will pay the IMF tranche. Said decisions will be based on today’s Eurogroup, statements by the Eurozone’s finance ministers, and the ECB itself.