Jihadists crucified one of their own because he was blackmailing drivers

Syrian rebels and the Nosra Al Front the Al Qaeda’s offshoot in Syria, accusing the jihadists of IKIL for committing crimes of extreme brutality

jihadist of the extremist Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant executed today one of their own, under the accusation of extortion. As a result they crucified him in plain view, in the province of Aleppo, Syria.
In photos posted on various jihadist websites a man is distinguished with a beard and blood on his head. From his neck hangs a sign that reads: “Guilty: Abu Adnan al Anantali. Penalty: execution and crucifixion for three days. Category: blackmailing drivers at roadblocks accusing them of apostasy”.
The text is signed “The prince of believers”, probably referring to the leader of IKIL Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

The man was executed in the city of Báb ,with three bullets in his head and then the Islamists crucified his body, according to the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights.

The Syrian rebels and the Nosra Al Front the Al Qaeda’s offshoot in Syria, accusing the jihadists of IKIL for committing crimes of extreme brutality.